Wednesday, April 1, 2009

so, i saw all the famous parts of Austria, and a bit of Munich. met two cousins from Australia who were very funny and i enjoyed their company. had a great bonding experience with Matt and Ryan.overall, i enjoyed most of all the traveling. going on the tours, all depended on the tour guide. some of the visits i felt a bit rushed but we had so much to do in such little time.i missed the houghbrough house but it was so i could see a girl i had spent the past three days with but probably wont ever see again. so i think that is excusable.Innsbruck was cool it was weird but all the while still cool.i also got a really cool red t-shirt

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

I got a T-shirt

so, i saw all the famous parts of Austria, and a bit of Munich. met two cousins from Australia who were very funny and i enjoyed their company. had a great bonding experience with Matt and Ryan.

overall, i enjoyed most of all the traveling. going on the tours, all depended on the tour guide. some of the visits i felt a bit rushed but we had so much to do in such little time.
i missed the houghbrough house but it was so i could see a girl i had spent the past three days with but probably wont ever see again. so i think that is excusable.

Innsbruck was cool it was weird but all the while still cool.

i also got a really cool red t-shirt


so i was on the train heading back from these castles that i didn't really care to much for and herd these guys talking about philosophy and all these other I'm to educated for my own good conversations. i thought it appointee that after hearing these conversations behind me for about fifteen or twenty minute i would join in. so i started to talk to the guy to the left of me. he was from Mexico, i can't remember his name. he is a grad student in Spain and he is studying graphic design and wants to work on way finding; maps, signs.

me and him started talking about Mexico and Americas relationship. me not knowing allot about Mexico besides the food and some of the history i asked how their government worked. he informed me that their are high ranking positions that are orchestrated by unions that will then controle the workers and from that you have anything from the sanitary workers to the teachers working under the union leaders. he told me it is his thought that this form of infrastructure co uses much of Mexico's problems. that their priorities are not always Wat's best for the country or their workers but for their own greed. he pointed this out using the teachers Union, it is in their best interest to keep a large portion of the poor uneducated so that they will always have growth and need more teachers.

Monday, March 23, 2009

10 things about me

Cheerful – my nick name is sunshine, and for one obvious reason, I share the warmth. I enjoy being in good company and I go far lengths to find it.

Optimistic – I have a tattoo dum spiro spero, it’s Latin for as I breathe I hope. I don’t let any situation get to me, especially if I’m with other people. If we are all in the same situation we have nothing to wine about and we all will get out of it one way or another.

Hopeful - I enjoy making people happy, I share my hope when I come across some one needs it.

Son – I worked hard all my life with my father helping out with all his jobs. Construction, ministry, paper routes, all the jobs I’ve known my father to have he’s let me help him teaching me all the walks of life. My mother has been an art teacher most of my life and she has always enabled my growth in art.

Brother – life as the baby of the family is nice. I get a lot of cool stuff and for a while when my brother and sister were older and out the house, I got the house to my self. As I’ve gotten older I’ve gotten closer to my brother and sister and now share a lot of great experiences.

Beer lover— Yuingling was the first beer I drank with my father in a cabin out in the Pine Barrens and it was a great story. Now I’ve started to learn about German and Austrian culture by studying their beers, I reflect on American culture and the certain beers that are drunk in different places.

Student- I love to be taught, in a bar with Steve finding out that you don’t buy the cheep beer that you always go with the house beer. As well in other situations making friends and life experiences have formed my character. In the class I’m not the best example of a student I try but not hard enough to other standards.

creative – in one way yes, in one way no. Due to my “handicaps” I always have to make something new. No, because I use a lot of my experiences to determine what my actions are.

religious- I believe in one god, the creature of the universe, and unconditional love. All the wars fought over religion have nothing to do with religion but only mans greed and deception. As many things when something brings people together there will be individuals who abuse their power. This is why I take my religion to a more personal experience, then a communal.

Conservative- people should only be responsible for them selves; national government should only serve two purposes, defense and light standards. Government has no place in telling us how to live our lives or how we should think. Taxes should be collected to protect society not to conform it. I see good and evil, compared to the liberal view of rich and poor.

what the ... JON!!!

i won alot of money in a casino about 70 euro, so i'm going to use that money for my internment like music shows and such, Amsterdam was one of my favorite cities. the canals are amazing, van gough museum was life changing, ... so while every one else was out doing stuff i ended up walking around and the last night i won back half the money i spent there so i think the trip was a good one

meanwhile i would wake up at 8 go to my favorite cafe and drink a cup of tea with honey, eggs with toast and talk to pie, go visit the Amsterdam museums and parks, Ann Frank house was moving.. Otto franks room was heart brakeing.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

so i saw the alps, i saw the museums but i love the music.....

i can't describe the time i'm haveing in written word i hope these videos are some help...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Invitation to Insight

What 2 people did you interview and how you know them? (family, friends, co-workers, etc.) How long have you known them?
Inge, My sister of 21 years.

What strengths did they convey to you about your interpersonal skills?
That im always able to promote myself and that i convey the passion i feel in regards to diffrent events/aspects of my life. My sister also said that sometimes watching me is like watching the animal channel, like you dont know what the animal will do next, & that theres an intresting process to how i do things like packing for instance... how can a suit case that was organized by our mother in 5 min after me touching it look like customs went through it! Most people this would frustrate but for me it works, organized chaos! Shes impressed with my everythings fine attitude.

What weaknesses, or areas for improvement, did they suggest?
My ability or lack there of in following spoken directions and then getting defensive about my failure to complete tasks.

Analyze what you learned: what did you know already about yourself and your skills, what surprised you? Im aware that I have an auditory proccesing dissorder, and people are contantly thinking im not listening to them, when really i am. I use to get really angry & frustrated when people would respond or show disapointment in my ability to listen and follow through.

What specifically will you do over the next few weeks and months to work to improve on these areas? I will give my self a schedule, I find that when im working off of a schedule that it lessens my distractions and im more equiped to focus.